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A value of type 'Future<dynamic>' can't be returned from the method 'build' because it has a return type of 'Widget

I'm attempting to implement the showCupertinoModalPopup() form the cupertino library of Flutter for my flutter app. I'm getting the said error when I use a return showCupertinoModalPopup() from a Widget build (BuildContext context).

I intend to show a cupertino modal popup which contains the cupertinoactionsheet with options for the user to choose from and pop out after selection. While cupertinoactionsheet itself works since it is a widget, when I attempt to wrap it inside the cupertino modal popup , for a true IOS style UI, I get the said error.

Here is my code snippet :

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return showCupertinoModalPopup(
      context: context,
      builder: (_) => CupertinoActionSheet(
        actions: <Widget>[
            color: Colors.transparent,
            child: CupertinoActionSheetAction(
              onPressed: ({int index = 0}) {
                VideosSoundSetting newType = allVideosSoundSettings[index];
              child: const Text(
                style: TextStyle(
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
                    fontSize: 18),
            color: Colors.transparent,
            child: CupertinoActionSheetAction(
              child: const Text(
                style: TextStyle(
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
                    fontSize: 18),
              onPressed: ({int index = 1}) {
                VideosSoundSetting newType = allVideosSoundSettings[index];
        cancelButton: CupertinoActionSheetAction(
          isDefaultAction: true,
          onPressed: () {
          child: const KNText(

I followed the example from this link and implemented on similar lines for my case. Flutter - CupertinoActionSheet / CupertinoActionSheetAction background color different on-device than in simulator

I've spent quite a lot of time figuring this out and unable the best way to do it. Assistance required.


  • The error is pretty clear in this case, the build function of a Widget needs to return another Widget. You are returning the result of showCupertinoModalPopup(), which according to the doc (and error message), returns a Future. What I think you want to do instead is not call showCupertinoModalPopup() from a build method, but in response to some action (like in a button's onPress listener) or whatever other trigger you are expecting to cause the popup to open.