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PWA "routes" Is Undefined

Trying to create a very simple ASP.NET core PWA, there doesnt seem to be many examples using .NET 8.0.

Steps as follows:

  • Created a brand new ASP.NET core app. Using .NET 8.0.
  • Installed dotnet package WebEssentials.AspNetCore.PWA
  • Added a manifest file.
  • Added the two icons required to the images folder.
  • Added builder.Services.AddProgressiveWebApp();

The app runs and I get the option to install from Chrome which is great. However the service-worker is unhappy, giving the following error:

Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: routes is not defined at serviceworker:11:42

Clicking on the error highlights the following service worker code:

 // Store core files in a cache (including a page to display when offline)
  function updateStaticCache() {
    return (cache) {
      return cache.addAll([offlineUrl, { routes }]);  // This line is highlighted.

Essentially I used this guide, but with .net 8.0:

Is someone able to offer me some clues as to what is wrong with the service worker and why routes is undefined?


  • The answer for me was to manually load the manifest file:


    // Register as a PWA application
    builder.Services.AddProgressiveWebApp(new PwaOptions
        RegisterServiceWorker = true,
        RegisterWebmanifest = false,  // (Manually register in Layout file)
        Strategy = ServiceWorkerStrategy.NetworkFirst,
        OfflineRoute = "Offline.html"


    @*Manually register the PWA Manifest*@
    <link rel="manifest" href="~/manifest.json" />