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For CUML version SVC, How to visualize the decision bounday or the hyperplane?

I can do well on it with sklearn's SVC. But How to get it from the CUML version SVC? Because I can't even get the coef_ from the fitted model. And there is no official examples on it. Thanks.


  • To visualise the decision boundary in 2D you don't need to access the coefficients. You could get the decision values over a 2D grid, and use plt.contourf to trace out the contours of that 2D landscape. See here and here for two reproducible examples I've previously authored.

    Update: OP confirms you can use sklearn.inspection.DecisionBoundaryDisplay, which has a simpler interface (docs recommend DecisionBoundaryDisplay.from_estimator() specifically).

    In relation to the coef_ attribute specifically for cuml.svm.LinearSVC, the notes section of the docs says

    "[...] in contrast to generic SVC model, it does not compute the support coefficients/vectors".

    I've seen code that has from cuml.svm import SVC, so apparently they have an SVC implementation although I couldn't find it in their docs (they document an SVR).

    If you want the coef_ values you'd need to use SVC(kernel='linear'), although it's slower than LinearSVC (at least in the sklearn implementation; I don't know about cuml).