I am testing a scenario in Cypress however when I get to compare two arrays at the end of the scenario, the code fails. This is the code where I have a pre-defined array and i want to create the second array. The code fails at the last line saying the second array is an object (I guess somehow I am comparing an array to an object?):
cy.get(desiredCEXs).then( list => { cy.get(expectedCEXnames).should('have.all.members', list)})
I'm very new to Cypress. So, I was wondering how I could fix the code? I thought by using .push() , I am constructing the second array. This is the link to where I am asserting the code https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/kira-network
Then ('I assert what exchnages KIRA Network is listed on', ()=>
const desiredCEXs = [ 'Gate.io', 'AscendEX (BitMax)', 'Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)', 'Gate.io' ]
const expectedCEXnames = []
cy.get('@exchanges').each( eachExchange =>
var exTypeText = eachExchange.children('td').eq(2).children('span').children('div').text().trim()
var exName = eachExchange.children('td').eq(1).children('div').children('a').children('div').text().trim()
if(exTypeText == 'CEX')
.then( () =>
cy.get(desiredCEXs).then( list => { cy.get(expectedCEXnames).should('have.all.members', list)})
The exact way you do it depends if you require ordering check as well as existence check.
For checking existence each value (any order)
const desiredCEXs = [ 'Gate.io',...]
cy.get('tbody').eq(4).find('tr').each(eachExchange => {
const exName = ...
if(exTypeText == 'CEX') {
const isInList = desiredCEXs.includes(exName)
assert(isInList, `${exName} is in the list`)
// or
// or
cy.wrap(exName).should('be.oneOf', desiredCEXs)
For order checking as well as existence, use deep.eq
to check both arrays
const desiredCEXs = [ 'Gate.io',...]
const actualCEXs = []
cy.get('tbody').eq(4).find('tr').each(eachExchange => {
const exName = ...
if(exTypeText == 'CEX') {
.then(() => {
cy.wrap(actualCEXs)).should('deep.eq', desiredCEXs) // note "deep" for array check
Other notes