Using set_global_settings
I was able to print variables on jupyter-notebook using scientific notation:
import sympy as sy
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter
StrPrinter.set_global_settings(min=1, max=1)
However, I still need to set precision:
Based on use of .evalf()
method described in answer to 'evaluating a sympy function at an arbitrary-precision floating point' and in the SymPy documentation 'Numerical Evaluation':
import sympy as sy
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter
StrPrinter.set_global_settings(min=1, max=1)
method "takes a precision as the first argument (the default is 15)."
Alternative with N()
function covered in the SymPy documentation 'Numerical Evaluation':
import sympy as sy
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter
StrPrinter.set_global_settings(min=1, max=1)
sy.N(a, 3)
Either results in: