I've just started transioning from nuxt2/vuex to nuxt3/pinia and I am trying to figure things out.
I created a store to handle my authentication apis and I noticed that when I am on page /login I can see my store / states in pinia inside vue devtools but when I go to /index or any other page the states are gone in pinia inside vue devtools
So I figured that there might be a missing configuration or I am doing something wrong
I tried many things and finally I managed to subscribe into the store on the entire app from my understanding doing the following
My app.vue
<NuxtLoadingIndicator />
<NuxtPage />
import { useAuthStore } from "@/stores/auth";
export default {
setup() {
const authStore = useAuthStore();
My auth store
// store/auth.js
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
export const useAuthStore = defineStore("auth", {
state: () => ({
successSnackbar: false,
successMessage: "",
user: {},
persist: {
storage: persistedState.localStorage,
actions:{ //..},
getters:{ //..},
I want to know if this is best practice or even the correct way of doing things in nuxt3/pinia
Now I can see the states on all pages just fine
I would do it like this without pinia, first off, in your nuxt.config
file do this :
public : {
then in your vue files:
<script setup>
const { $config } = useNuxtApp();
if (process.client) {
const successStatus = window.localStorage.getItem(
this way , the data is persisted on refresh, it can be used globally in all pages and component just by using `window.localStorage.getItem($config.public.AUTH_SUCCESS_STATUS)` and to manipulate it you can use the
other options of localStorage.
another way is to use cookie setup and managing that cookie by useCookie composable