I'm trying to replicate a visual that I found at the link below; however, the circle isn't displaying. I've tried adjusting the parameters, but I still haven't found a workaround to make it function.
Link to the article: https://datameerkat.com/templates/Circle-progress-chart
Sample File: https://github.com/tomecsek21/pbix_file/blob/main/svg_circle_test.pbix
Could anyone please advise? Thanks
I did a diff on your code and the sample code and there is no material difference. I suspect the sample code is missing something in the circle logic and I have always found using transform, rotate and translate far from intuitive. If you want an easier circle implementation, try the one from my sample file here.
Something strange is happening with the file you sent. However, if you create a brand new .pbix and drop in the following code into a HTML Lite visual, it works fine.
SVG Donut =
VAR per = 0.25
VAR height = 140
VAR width = 150
VAR radius = (height/2) - 2.5
VAR circ = 2*PI()* radius
VAR val = FORMAT( per, "#%;-#%;0%")
VAR a1 = IF( per >= 0,(per *circ),0)
VAR a2 = (1-per) *circ
VAR offset = 0.25*circ
VAR sort = IF(per <0, 1000+ABS(per), 10000+ per)
"<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 " & width & " " & height & "' >
/*" & sort & "*/
<rect width='150' height='150' style='fill:rgba(0,0,255,0);stroke-width:2;stroke:'/>
<circle class='background' cx='" & radius + 8 & "' cy='50%' r='" & radius & "' fill='transparent' stroke='#dde1e3' stroke-width='5' />
<circle class='segment' cx='" & radius + 8 & "' cy='50%' r='" & radius & "' fill='transparent' stroke='#2c76b4' stroke-width='5' stroke-dasharray='" & a1 & " " & a2 & "' stroke-dashoffset='" & offset & "'></circle>
.percent {
font: bold 12pt Arial;
<text x='" & width/2 & "' y='50%' class='percent' text-anchor='middle' fill='#666666' alignment-baseline='middle' >" & val &"</text>