I have a custom block of code I execute before swap which is working fine, but I now want to be able to change the swap style depending on some factors.
Here is the current code:
document.body.addEventListener('htmx:beforeSwap', function(evt) {
if(evt.detail.xhr.status === 422){
// allow 422 responses to swap as we are using this as a signal that
// a form was submitted with bad data and want to rerender with the
// errors displayed. Also, we want to swap the target element with the
// element that has the id specified in the hx-target-422 attribute.
// set isError to false to avoid error logging in console
evt.detail.shouldSwap = true;
evt.detail.isError = false;
let target = document.querySelector(evt.detail.requestConfig.elt.getAttribute('hx-target-422'));
evt.detail.target = target;
I have tried this: evt.detail.swapStyle = 'innerHTML';
but its not working.
This should work:
document.body.addEventListener('htmx:beforeSwap', function(evt) {
evt.detail.etc.swapOverride = 'innerHTML'
Be aware - this is not documented anywhere (so make sure you check for any side effects), possibly because the proper way is to override the HX-Reswap
response header coming from the backend.