I'm using the Regex enabled Search&Replace function in EditpadLite. My document looks like this
The problem; each line should contain 4 ; symbols, so line 3 and 6 require an additional semicolon at the end of the line, by replacing \n with ;\n. I've tried:
to select the end of line characters not preceded by a line containing exactly 3 semicolons. This doesn't work however, because, I think, the semicolons are not consecutive. Is there an alternative for this?
should match only line 3 and 6
just replace match with $1;
( //start of group 1
^ //start of string
( //start of group 2
?: //dont capture matches in group 2
[^;]+; //match one or more 'not semicolon' characters followed by a semicolon
){4} //end of group 2, match group 2 exactly 4 times
[^;]+ //after group 2 matched 4 times there should be one or more 'not semicolon' characters
$ //end of string
) //end of group 1