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Create mapping table in TypeORM where 1 column can reference multiple tables

I want to create this design in TypeORM entities:

database design

The idea is that a list can contain any number of items that can be of any type. There are two types of items right now: todos and hires. There may be more in the future.

These are the list, todo and hire entities:

export class List {
  id: number

  @OneToMany(() => Item, (item) => item.list)
  items: Item[]

    length: 60,
  title: string

export class Todo {
  id: number

  @OneToOne(() => Item)
  item: Item

    length: 60,
  title: string

  description: string

  @Column({ default: false })
  done: boolean

export class Hire {
  id: number

  @OneToOne(() => Item)
  item: Item

    length: 60,
  title: string

  startDate: string

  endDate: string

In the mapping table, how do I let TypeORM know what type the entityId can be?

export class Item {
  id: number

  @ManyToOne(() => List, (list) => list.items)
  list: List

  entityType: string

  @OneToOne(() => Todo /* Todo OR Hire */, (itemType) => itemType.item)
  entity: Todo // Todo OR Hire

Can this whole problem can be circumvented by doing something different?


  • I may be missing details, but I wonder if it wouldn't work with inheritance, based on the way you described the problem:


    export class List {
      id: number
      @OneToMany(() => Item, (item) => item.list)
      items: Item[]
        length: 60,
      title: string


    export abstract class Item {
      id: number
      @ManyToOne(() => List, (list) => list.items)
      list: List
      entityType: string


    export class Todo extends Item {
      id: number
        length: 60,
      title: string
      description: string
      @Column({ default: false })
      done: boolean


    export class Hire extends Item {
      id: number
        length: 60,
      title: string
      startDate: string
      endDate: string