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How can I set a single cell to `date` format using rhandsontable?

Usin the {rhandsontable} package it's possible to create a table where date columns include a dropdown for each cell, both providing a slick UI and validation of user inputs.

I want to set a single cell in a column to use this format, but this level of specificity doesn't seem possible with the package's API:

Use date formatting for a whole column


    date = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), by = "days", length.out = 4)

enter image description here

Use date formatting for a single cell

For example, the data for a whole column might be something like this:

# E.g. for the third cell in column `x`
    x = c("foo", "bar", "2020/01/01")

Unfortunately it looks like {rhandsontable} doesn't support a way to set the third cell to date format out of the box. hot_cell() exists to set single-cell properties such as comments, but can't be used to set the cell format.


  • Browsing the source code for rhandsontable() and hot_cell() I found I could achieve something like this fairly easily, although this is definitely an 'off-label' feature:

    df <- data.frame(
      y = c("foo", "bar", "2020/01/01")
    hot <- rhandsontable(df)
    hot$x$cell <- list(list(
      row = 2,
      col = 0,
      type = "date",
      correctFormat = TRUE,
      dateFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY"

    enter image description here