I want to apply a filter to all asp.net core minimal API endpoints.
The reason I want to do this is to post-process the return values of the endpoint. Something like this:
public class GlobalFilter : IEndpointFilter
private ILogger _logger;
public GlobalValidationFilter(ILogger<GlobalValidationFilter> logger)
_logger = logger;
public async ValueTask<object?> InvokeAsync(EndpointFilterInvocationContext invocationContext, EndpointFilterDelegate next)
var res = await next(invocationContext);
var result = res as Result;
if(result is not null)
// Here, access the `result` members and modify the return value accordingly...
return Results.Problem();
catch (Exception ex)
return Results.Problem(ex.ToString());
.MapPost("api/document/getById", async ([FromBody] GetDocumentRequest request) =>
var result = ...result-producing call...;
return result;
.AddEndpointFilter<GlobalFilter>() // Manually assigning the filter.
This appears to work, but I would have to remember to set the filter manually every time. Is there a way to apply this filter to all endpoints automatically?
Alternatively, is it possible to achieve the same thing with another method? From what I have seen, using a middleware does not allow you to inspect the endpoint return values, but only handle thrown exceptions.
You can apply the filter to a MapGroup, the MapGroup
can point to all your minimal endpoints.
public static class GroupEndPointsExt
public static RouteGroupBuilder MapMinimalApi(this RouteGroupBuilder group)
group.MapPost("document/getById", async ([FromBody] GetDocumentRequest request) =>
var result = ...result-producing call...;
return result;
//add other minimal endpoints here where global filter will apply
return group;
Then in your Program.cs
apply the GlobalFilter
to the route group that encompasses all your minimal endpoints defined in method MapMinimalApi
//Global filter will apply to all endpoints in this route group
//all endpoints in this route group will use path prefixed with api