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drill down to lowest JSON element using PowerShell

I need to extract some information from a JSON file using ps. The JSON has nested components arrays which can also contain a components array.

"name": "app",
"components": [
        "component_name": "comp1",
        "component_packages": [
        "project_id": "1234",
        "file_path": "requirements_file",
        "ref": "%%VERSION%%",
        "components": [
                "component_name": "comp1.1",
                "component_packages": [
                "project_id": "2345",
                "file_path": "requirements_file",
                "ref": "%%VERSION%%",
                "components": [
                        "component_name": "comp1.1.1",
                        "component_packages": [
                        "project_id": "3456",
                        "file_path": "requirements_file",
                        "ref": "%%VERSION%%",
                        "components": []
                "component_name": "comp1.2",
                "component_packages": [
                "project_id": "4567",
                "file_path": "requirements_file",
                "ref": "%%VERSION%%",
                "components": []
        "component_name": "comp2",
        "component_packages": [
        "project_id": "5678",
        "file_path": "requirements_file",
        "ref": "%%VERSION%%",
        "components": [
                "component_name": "comp2.1",
                "component_packages": [
                "project_id": "6789",
                "file_path": "requirements_file",
                "ref": "%%VERSION%%",
                "components": []

for each component inside components I need to execute a script to gather more information but I struggle with iterating to all the elements one by one.

I started to convert the JSON to a psobject (Get-Content -Raw "$json_path" | ConvertFrom-Json)

I don't want to fix the depth of the JSON. So the script should be adaptable.

I tried using a while loop

$comp = $object.components
while ( $comp -ne "" ) { 
   $comp | ForEach-Object {
       # to something

but like this it is not suitable, because even if I overwrite $comp, the script will forget some entries.


  • Just use a Function and call it recursively

    (note: this might not be the most efficient way to do this)

    $JsonObj = $Json | ConvertFrom-Json
    function Drill-Json {
        param (
                Position = 0,
        $JsonComponent | ForEach-Object {
                DO STUFF
            # $_.component_name
            if (($_.components.count)) {
                Drill-Json -JsonComponent $_.components
    Drill-Json -JsonComponent $JsonObj.components