I have customized a template class here and wanted to put the method definition and implementation in different files. I followed the previous simulation and wrote it down. Why did this error keep reporting no instances? I checked and wrote the following simulation, which should be fine, but it kept reporting errors. Please ask the big shots to help check what the problem is
import mytestarray; // module name
#include <iostream>;
using namespace std;
int main()
MyArray<int> my;
export module mytestarray;
export import :defv;
export import :impv;
export module mytestarray:defv;
import <utility>;
import <memory>;
import <stdexcept>;
import <iostream>;
import <format>;
export template<typename T>
class MyArray
virtual ~MyArray();
MyArray& operator=(const MyArray& myarray) = delete;
MyArray(const MyArray& myarray) = delete;
MyArray(MyArray&& src) noexcept;
MyArray& operator=(MyArray&& rhs) noexcept;
T& operator[](size_t x);
const T& operator[](size_t x) const;
const T& getElementAt(size_t x) const;
void setElementAt(size_t x, const T& value);
size_t getSize() const noexcept;
static const size_t AllocSize{ 4 };
void resize(size_t newSize);
T* m_elements{ nullptr };
size_t m_size{ 0 };
#include <cstddef>
export module mytestarray:impv;
import :defv;
export template<typename T>
m_size = AllocSize;
m_elements = new T[m_size]{};
export template<typename T>
delete[] m_elements;
m_elements = nullptr;
export template<typename T>
MyArray<T>::MyArray(MyArray&& src) noexcept
: m_elements {std::exchange(src.m_elements, nullptr)}
, m_size {std::exchange(src.m_size, 0)} {}
export template<typename T>
MyArray<T>& MyArray<T>::operator=(MyArray&& rhs) noexcept
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
delete[] m_elements;
m_elements = std::exchange(rhs.m_elements, nullptr);
m_size = std::exchange(rhs.m_size, 0);
return *this;
export template<typename T>
void MyArray<T>::resize(size_t newSize)
auto newArray{ std::make_unique<T[]>(newSize) };
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_size; i++)
newArray[i] = m_elements[i];
delete[] m_elements;
m_size = newSize;
m_elements = newArray.release();
export template<typename T>
void MyArray<T>::setElementAt(size_t x, const T& val)
if (x >= m_size)
resize(x + AllocSize);
m_elements[x] = val;
export template<typename T>
T& MyArray<T>::operator[](size_t x)
// TODO: 在此处插入 return 语句
//std::cout << std::format("call no-const function") << std::endl;
if (x >= m_size)
resize(x + AllocSize);
return m_elements[x];
export template<typename T>
const T& MyArray<T>::operator[](size_t x) const
// TODO: 在此处插入 return 语句
// std::cout << std::format("call const function") << std::endl;
if (x >= m_size)
throw std::out_of_range{ "" };
return m_elements[x];
//export template<typename T>
//const T& MyArray<T>::operator[](size_t) const
// // TODO: 在此处插入 return 语句
// std::cout << format("call const function") << std::endl;
// if (x >= m_size)
// {
// static T nullValue{ T() };
// return nullValue;
// }
// return m_elements[x];
export template<typename T>
const T& MyArray<T>::getElementAt(size_t x) const
if (x >= m_size)
throw std::out_of_range{ "" };
return m_elements[x];
export template<typename T>
size_t MyArray<T>::getSize() const noexcept
return m_size;
when running report below is error
1>day15.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 "public: __thiscall MyArray<int>::MyArray<int>(void)" (??0?$MyArray@H@@QAE@XZ::<!mytestarray>),
1>day15.obj : error LNK2019: "public: virtual __thiscall MyArray<int>::~MyArray<int>(void)" (??1?$MyArray@H@@UAE@XZ::<!mytestarray>),函数 _main 中引用了该符号
1>D:\Project\CPlus\two\thir\CPlus\learnCPlus20\Debug\learnCPlus20.exe : fatal error LNK1120:
What is the problem, I referred to the following https://github.com/carlesmartin85/procpp5e/blob/65aedda6a92745beca48a5041411465a33cdf4cd/code/c12_code/02_Grid/02_MethodsInInterfacePartition/GridDefinition.cppm
In MSVC, separating the template class constructor and destructor will produce the error above .
Temporary solution: Put both functions' definitions in the same file where they are declared (step 3 create MyArrayDefinition.cppm file).
And please report the error to the Developer Community and post link here so that we can follow up.