I am using sqlalchemy-file package FileField to save files in local storage, it is being saved but not allowing to give custom filename, automatically saves the file as unnamed. I need to fix that.
I am working on FastAPI project and using file variable as shown below to save files
from sqlalchemy_file import FileField
class UserDoc(Base):
__tablename__ = "user_doc"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
file = Column(FileField)
this is how I save the file
async def document_upload(
user_file: UploadFile = File(...),
db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
# code logic
file_contents = await user_file.read()
document_data = {"file": file_contents}
db_document = UserDocument(**document_data)
except Exception as _:
# exception logic
the file contents are stored in the database as
so when i try to download the file it is giving me unnamed, I want to save it with a name.
You have to use sqlalchemy_file.File
like File(content=file_contents, filename="some file name here")
To what you already have, make that change.
from sqlalchemy_file import File
file_contents = await user_file.read()
document_data = {"file": File(content=file_contents, filename="some file name here")}
db_document = UserDocument(**document_data)