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How to change string format to date format in particular columns in Sas

I have a dataset which has 100 columns. A simpler & smaller version is as follows:

Account Anticipated_Close_Date Need_Date Amount Date_Accepted Confirmed_Date Comments
John 1/15/2024 1/15/2024 1000 Awaiting Acceptance
John 1/23/2024 1/28/2024 20000 1/20/2024 1/22/2024 Closed
Sam 12/25/2023
Peter 4/5/2024 4/12/2024 350 3/27/2024 Confirmation needed

The dataset has around 30 columns with various dates all in character format. I need to convert all of them into date format. Also, the number of columns with date information can change i.e there can be new addition or deletion.

I know:

data want;
set database;
format temp mmddyy10.;
temp = input(Anticipated_Close_Date, mmddyy10.);
drop Anticipated_Close_Date;
rename temp = Anticipated_Close_Date;

will give me the desired format. I have also identified all columns having 'Date' in them:

proc contents data = database out= contents noprint; run;

proc sql;
select name into :varlist seperated by ' '
from contents
where name like '%Date%';

I do not how to combine them both and run it over the entire dataset. My guess is we need to iterate over each column and check if the column is a part of 'varlist' and if true, use the input function.


  • You can use the :varlist to specify the elements of a DATA Step array and loop over the array. You will need to have some more SQL :into to create other code snippets needed to convert and rename.


    Variables named *Date* are character strings and the same name should be used after converting the string to a SAS date value.

    proc contents data = database out= contents noprint; run;
    proc sql;
    , cats('_',varnum)
    , cats(quote(trim(name),"'"),'N')
      :rename_in separated by ' '
      :temp_date_vars separated by ' '
      :date_vars separated by ' '
    from contents
    where name like '%Date%';
    data want ;
      set database (rename=(&rename_in)) ;
      array tempdates &temp_date_vars ;
      array dates &date_vars ;
      do over dates ;
        dates = input(tempdates,mmddyy10.) ;
      end ;
      format &date_vars mmddyy10. ;