I have an item of text type P_10_TEXTITEM. I would like to populate this item with values via SQL code, where each value would be on a new row. When I populate this item, nothing appears....
I have an item of text type and I would like to assign to it the line values via SQL code
for row in (select EName, Comm from EMP
where instr( ':'||:P18_SHARED_SALESMAN||':', ':'||EmpNo||':' ) > 0 )
:P18_SHARED_NEW_COMMISSIONS := :P18_SHARED_NEW_COMMISSIONS || row.EName || ': ' || row.Comm || chr(13) || chr(10);
end loop;
-- Step 5: Write the item values.
:P18_SHARED_SALE_COMMISSION := v_saleCommission;
:P18_SHARED_COMMISSION_EACH := v_commissionEach;
the variables are already displayed, but they do not line up
You didn't say how exactly you're doing that; what is row
? How are local variables declared?
Anyway: using Scott's sample schema, my FOR
cursor loop populates Textarea item with employees and their jobs. To do that, I created a Page Load dynamic action:
:P2_TEXT := null;
for cur_r in (select ename, job from emp where deptno = 20) loop
:P2_TEXT := :P2_TEXT || cur_r.ename ||', '|| cur_r.job || chr(13);
end loop;
Have a look at screenshot which shows both dynamic action and output: