Search code examples

wait for context to be updated when using SwiftData

How would you wait for the context to be updated before continuing?

import SwiftData
@State var selectedItem: Item?
@Query var items: [Item]

    func addItem() {
        let item = Item()
        selectedItem = item

result: []

desired: [Item]

    func deleteItem(at offsets: IndexSet) {
        for index in offsets {
        if items.isEmpty || items.contains(where: { $ == selectedItem?.id }) == false {
            selectedItem = nil

since the context isn't updated at the time of the if statement, it never runs as expected.


  • Why not get hold of the index of the selected item first and clear the selection if it's part of the deleted objects.

    if let selectedIndex = items.firstIndex(where { $ == selectedItem?.id }, offsets.contains(selectedIndex) {
        selectedItem = nil
    // delete loop...