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SQL: Finding rows with duplicate fields, then select another field

I have been searching for a solution to my issue but I can only find how to get duplicate rows in SQL that return the field the duplicate has matched on, but I can not find a solution where another row is selected.

I have the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM Computer

Results (only relevant for this question):


So far I have the following query:

  FROM Computer
  GROUP BY ComputerCN
  HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;


(no column name),ComputerCN
2, testmachine

So using the above query I know there are two rows where the field ComputerCN are duplicates. What I now need is not to return the ComputerCN, but to return the ComputerID's of the duplicate values. The result I desire is:


I have been trying to include ComputerID in the query like this:

SELECT COUNT(*), ComputerCN, ComputerID
  FROM Computer
  GROUP BY ComputerCN, ComputerID
  HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;

But I believe by doing this, it tries to find a match where both ComputerCN and ComputerID are duplicates, which is not the case.

How do I return a list of ComputerID's based on duplicate values from ComputerCN?


  • Use a subquery ,

    SELECT ComputerID 
    FROM Computer 
    WHERE ComputerCN IN ( SELECT ComputerCN
                          FROM Computer
                          GROUP BY ComputerCN
                          HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

    If Windows function are supported

    WITH duplicates AS (
        SELECT *, 
               COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY ComputerCN) dupes
        FROM Computer
    ) SELECT ComputerID
    FROM duplicates
    WHERE dupes > 1

    See example