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Physical Moon Earth System, problems with Moon's orbit

I am trying to obtain the trajectories of the orbit of earth and moon around the Sun using LeapFrog. I have managed to obtain the correct orbit of the Earth but in the moon case I haven't been able to make it orbit the Earth while both orbit the Sun, I think it might be a problem of initial conditions but I am not sure, this is the code that I have written:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

double Grav = 6.6726e-11;        // m^3/kg/s^2 (Universal gravitational constant)
double Msun = 1.989e30;          // kg
double Mearth = 5.973e24;        // kg
double Mmoon = 7.349e22;         // kg
double Dse = 1.496e11;           // distance Sun-Earth in meters
double Dem = 3.844e8;            // distance Earth-Moon in meters
int nsteps = 100;                  // Timesteps per orbit

void LeapFrog(int n)
    // Initial Conditions
    double x0 = Dse;
    double y0 = 0;

    double vx0 = 0;
    double vy0 = sqrt(Grav * Msun / Dse);

    double px0 = Mearth * vx0;
    double py0 = Mearth * vy0;

    // Initial Conditions for Moon
    double xm0 = Dse + Dem;
    double ym0 = 0;

    double vxm0 = sqrt(Grav * Mearth / Dem);  // La velocidad en x es opuesta a la velocidad orbital de la Tierra
    double vym0 = vy0;   // La velocidad en y es igual a la velocidad orbital de la Tierra

    double pxm0 = Mmoon * vxm0;
    double pym0 = Mmoon * vym0;

    // Timestep
    double dt = (2 * 3.141592654 * Dse / vy0) / nsteps;      // fraction of a year

    // Create a file for saving the coordinates of Earth
    ofstream earthFile("LFEarth.dat");
    // Create a file for saving the coordinates of Moon
    ofstream moonFile("LFMoon.dat");

    earthFile << x0 << " " << y0 << '\n';
    moonFile << xm0 << " " << ym0 << '\n';

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // Update Earth position
        double x = x0 + dt * px0 / (2 * Mearth);
        double y = y0 + dt * py0 / (2 * Mearth);

        // Update Moon position
        double xm = xm0 + dt * pxm0 / (2 * Mmoon);
        double ym = ym0 + dt * pym0 / (2 * Mmoon);

        // Calculate distances to the Sun
        double r_earth_sun = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        double r_moon_sun = sqrt(xm * xm + ym * ym);
        double r_moon_earth = sqrt((xm-x)*(xm-x) + (ym-y)*(ym-y));

        // Update Earth momentum
        double px = px0 - dt * Grav * Msun * Mearth * x / pow(r_earth_sun, 3) - dt * Grav * Mmoon * Mearth * (x - xm) / pow(r_moon_earth, 3);
        double py = py0 - dt * Grav * Msun * Mearth * y / pow(r_earth_sun, 3) - dt * Grav * Mmoon * Mearth * y / pow(r_moon_earth, 3);

        // Update Moon momentum
        double pxm = pxm0 - dt * Grav * (Msun * Mmoon) * (xm) / pow(r_moon_sun, 3) - dt * Grav * (Mearth * Mmoon) * (xm - x) / pow(r_moon_earth, 3);
        double pym = pym0 - dt * Grav * (Msun * Mmoon) * (ym) / pow(r_moon_sun, 3) - dt * Grav * (Mearth * Mmoon) * (ym - y) / pow(r_moon_earth, 3);

        // Another Step for Earth position
        double x2 = x + dt * px / (2 * Mearth);
        double y2 = y + dt * py / (2 * Mearth);

        // Another Step for Moon position
        double xm2 = xm + dt * pxm / (2 * Mmoon);
        double ym2 = ym + dt * pym / (2 * Mmoon);

        earthFile << x2 << " " << y2 << std::endl;
        moonFile << xm2 << " " << ym2 << std::endl;

        // Initialise the values for the following step
        x0 = x2;
        y0 = y2;

        xm0 = xm2;
        ym0 = ym2;

        px0 = px;
        py0 = py;

        pxm0 = pxm;
        pym0 = pym;
    // Close the files

int main()
    LeapFrog(nsteps * 10);                   // Ten orbits
    return 0;

And this is what I have obtained: Orbits Obtained

I expected to get the moon to orbit the Earth while they both orbit the Sun.


  • There are a number of things wrong with your code ... and your expectations.

    The following have all been alluded to by other people in comments:

    (1) You need more steps per (earth) orbit. After all, there are 12 lunar months in a year (roughly).

    (2) The expression for py is wrong, where it needs relative displacement of moon and earth.

    (3) Your initial conditions are slightly wrong (alternative version sketched as a comment in the code below.)

    But not mentioned yet are your expectations in the end.

    (4) If you plot BOTH earth and moon paths on the same graph, then, since the distance between earth and sun is about 500 times that between earth and moon, you would need both a monitor and eyesight better than I possess to see a difference in orbits.

    In the code below I add another output file "LFrelative.dat" (sorry!) which shows just the moon's position relative to the earth. Plotting this gives the orbit of our nearest celestial body - note that the scale is completely different.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <cmath>
    using namespace std;
    const double Grav = 6.6726e-11;        // m^3/kg/s^2 (Universal gravitational constant)
    const double Msun = 1.989e30;          // kg
    const double Mearth = 5.973e24;        // kg
    const double Mmoon = 7.349e22;         // kg
    const double Dse = 1.496e11;           // distance Sun-Earth in meters
    const double Dem = 3.844e8;            // distance Earth-Moon in meters
    const int nsteps = 1000;               // Timesteps per orbit
    const double PI = 4 * atan( 1.0 );
    void LeapFrog(int n)
        // Initial Conditions
        double x0 = Dse;
        double y0 = 0;
        double vx0 = 0;
        double vy0 = sqrt(Grav * Msun / Dse);
        double px0 = Mearth * vx0;
        double py0 = Mearth * vy0;
        // Initial Conditions for Moon
        double xm0 = x0;                             //                           <--M
        double ym0 = Dem;                            //                              |
        double vxm0 = sqrt(Grav * Mearth / Dem);     //  S---------------------------E
        double vym0 = vy0;                      
        double pxm0 = Mmoon * vxm0;
        double pym0 = Mmoon * vym0;
        // Timestep
        double dt = (2 * PI * Dse / vy0) / nsteps;      // fraction of a year
        // Create a file for saving the coordinates of Earth
        ofstream earthFile("LFEarth.dat");
        // Create a file for saving the coordinates of Moon
        ofstream moonFile("LFMoon.dat");
        ofstream relativeFile("LFRelative.dat");
        earthFile    << x0       << " " << y0        << '\n';
        moonFile     << xm0      << " " << ym0       << '\n';
        relativeFile << xm0 - x0 << " " << ym0 - y0  << '\n';
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            // Update Earth position
            double x = x0 + dt * px0 / (2 * Mearth);
            double y = y0 + dt * py0 / (2 * Mearth);
            // Update Moon position
            double xm = xm0 + dt * pxm0 / (2 * Mmoon);
            double ym = ym0 + dt * pym0 / (2 * Mmoon);
            // Calculate distances to the Sun
            double r_earth_sun = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
            double r_moon_sun = sqrt(xm * xm + ym * ym);
            double r_moon_earth = sqrt((xm-x)*(xm-x) + (ym-y)*(ym-y));
            // Update Earth momentum
            double px = px0 - dt * Grav * Msun * Mearth * x / pow(r_earth_sun, 3) - dt * Grav * Mmoon * Mearth * (x - xm) / pow(r_moon_earth, 3);
            double py = py0 - dt * Grav * Msun * Mearth * y / pow(r_earth_sun, 3) - dt * Grav * Mmoon * Mearth * (y - ym) / pow(r_moon_earth, 3);
            // Update Moon momentum
            double pxm = pxm0 - dt * Grav * Msun * Mmoon * xm / pow(r_moon_sun, 3) - dt * Grav * Mearth * Mmoon * (xm - x) / pow(r_moon_earth, 3);
            double pym = pym0 - dt * Grav * Msun * Mmoon * ym / pow(r_moon_sun, 3) - dt * Grav * Mearth * Mmoon * (ym - y) / pow(r_moon_earth, 3);
            // Another Step for Earth position
            double x2 = x + dt * px / (2 * Mearth);
            double y2 = y + dt * py / (2 * Mearth);
            // Another Step for Moon position
            double xm2 = xm + dt * pxm / (2 * Mmoon);
            double ym2 = ym + dt * pym / (2 * Mmoon);
            earthFile    << x2       << "  " << y2       << std::endl;
            moonFile     << xm2      << "  " << ym2      << std::endl;
            relativeFile << xm2 - x2 << "  " << ym2 - y2 << std::endl;
            // Initialise the values for the following step
            x0 = x2;
            y0 = y2;
            xm0 = xm2;
            ym0 = ym2;
            px0 = px;
            py0 = py;
            pxm0 = pxm;
            pym0 = pym;
        // Close the files
    int main()
        LeapFrog(nsteps * 10);             // Ten orbits
        return 0;

    Earth and moon on SOLAR ORBIT scale: enter image description here

    Moon ORBIT RELATIVE TO THE EARTH - note the difference in scale: enter image description here