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How to exclude some uri to be observed using springboot3/micrometer


I am using springboot 3 with the new micrometer observation. Is there a way to prevent generating a trace_id/span_id for some paths like /actuator/prometheus? Observation add a trace id for each call to /actuator/*.

Thank you


  • I supplied one answer using ObservationPredicate, which filters out tracing and metrics.

    Here is another answer using SpanExportingPredicate, which only filters out traces, and leaves metrics in place.

    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
    import org.springframework.http.server.observation.ServerRequestObservationContext;
    public class TracingConfig {
        SpanExportingPredicate noActuator() {
            return span -> span.getTags().get("uri") == null || !span.getTags().get("uri").startsWith("/actuator");
        SpanExportingPredicate noSwagger() {
            return span -> span.getTags().get("uri") == null || !span.getTags().get("uri").startsWith("/swagger");
        SpanExportingPredicate noApiDocs() {
            return span -> span.getTags().get("uri") == null || !span.getTags().get("uri").startsWith("/v3/api-docs");