I have two tables, The main table is a list of customers and their contact information. What I am trying to do is to separate the 'Email' field into a separate table so that I can relate the two because some customers use the same email address. I have created another table called 'Email Addresses' containing only unique emails and I want to now update the main table with the ID's of the emails from the 'Email Addresses' table but am having trouble with the SQL query.
I have researched and found a solution but it has not worked for me. It comes up with a 'Missing Operator' error.
UPDATE [Main Table]
SET [Main Table].Email = [Email Addresses].ID
FROM [Main Table]
INNER JOIN [Email Addresses] ON [Main Table].Email = [Email Addresses].Email;
What makes more sense is this though I know it will not work:
UPDATE [Main Table]
SET [Main Table].Email = [Email Addresses].ID
WHERE [Main Table].Email = [Email Addresses].Email;
Only new to SQL and still fumbling around in MS Access
Try these steps:
[Email Addresses].[Id]
to an AutoNumber (numeric or
GUID)[Main Table].[EmailId]
of data type numeric or
GUID matching the Id aboveUPDATE
[Main Table]
[Email Addresses]
ON [Main Table].Email = [Email Addresses].Email
[Main Table].EmailId = [Email Addresses].Id;
[Main Table].Email