I have C language code as bellow:
# define VAR(vartype, memclass) vartype
VAR(float32, AUTOMATIC) var1; // equal to "float32 var1;"
when I 'Format Document' in VSCODE, above VAR... code will be splited to 2 lines:
but I want it be only 1 line:
VAR(float32, AUTOMATIC) var1;
How could I implement it.
If you don't want lines to be changed by clang-format
rules, one way is to surround them with marker lines as follows:
// clang-format off
VAR(float32, AUTOMATIC) var1;
// clang-format on
That gives reasonable fine-grained control over the reformatting feature but requires peppering your code with those marker comments. Additionally, and possibly unfortunately, it protects those lines from any formatting meaning that:
VAR(float, AUTOMATIC) leave_me_alone; // blah blah.
will not be reformatted to a (likely) more sensible:
VAR(float, AUTOMATIC) leave_me_alone; // blah blah.
To allow formatting but with special treatment for your macros, you can use the Macros
stanza in the clang-format
For example, the C_Cpp:Clang_format_fallbackStyle
setting in vscode
is, by default, set to something compatible with Visual Studio (which is based on the LLVM
By way of example, I modified it to include a "special dispensation" for your VAR
macro as follows (see the Macros
entry at the end - that's the only divergence from the default Visual Studio style):
"BasedOnStyle":"LLVM", "UseTab": "Never", "IndentWidth": 4,
"TabWidth": 4, "BreakBeforeBraces": "Allman",
"AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine": false,
"IndentCaseLabels": false, "ColumnLimit": 0,
"AccessModifierOffset": -4, "NamespaceIndentation": "None",
"FixNamespaceComments": true,
"Macros": ["VAR(x,y)=x"]
Then I created a file junk.c
with two macros so you can see the different effects:
#define VAR(vartype, memclass) vartype
#define XYZ(vartype, memclass) vartype
VAR(float, AUTOMATIC) leave_me_on_one_line;
XYZ(float, AUTOMATIC) do_what_you_will_with_me;
Upon formatting the file with ShiftAltF, the result is, as desired:
#define VAR(vartype, memclass) vartype
#define XYZ(vartype, memclass) vartype
VAR(float, AUTOMATIC) leave_me_on_one_line;
That method both avoids peppering your code with clang-format
control lines and allows desired formatting to still be carried out on the macros.
You can put as many macros as you like in the list but, if they become numerous, you may want to consider moving formatting control into a .clang-format
file in your repo so that you're not continuously trying to update settings in that (ridiculously tiny) window it gives you:
Doing that will also allow you to use clang-format
in headless builds (in checking mode) to ensure no badly-formatted code can "escape" to the master branch (assuming a well-set-up repository with merge checks and so on).
(1) Note that this was introduced in clang-format-17
(see here) so, if you're not at that level or higher, you'll probably have to use the comment controls.