I am having trouble creating a new Web App (Linux) for my client. My client owns the Microsoft/Azure tenant, and my account has been added as a co-administrator.
I have been able to create Azure Function apps, and also a PostgreSQL Flexible server for this client. But I have not been able to create an App Service - Web App (Linux) yet, because I keep getting an error that reads "BadGateway": Forbidden. The subscription '********************' is not allowed to create or update the serverfarm.
Configuration for the web app:
Some things I have tried so far:
I am out of ideas--any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance :)
This is a known issue, and is likely due to a backend delay enabling the Microsoft.Web resource provider.
You'll need to wait up to 24 hours and try again.
If the issue persists then open a support request with Microsoft.