Please i'm a newbie in python, I have a CSV file with this type of structure. How do i split this csv after uploading and create or update my django database with the data for model.
1,peel,sd1 q23,london,east london
about 9 sections, a major section header which could be ignored while parsing into the database, the first row are headers, and data for each column
I was able to create a model and import data from a single row of headers into my model. I've tried using row.get('title')
to split the csv file but it's not working. I can't find any example directly related to this yet. thanks
So I was able to split the csv files and parse into my django models by doing this:
def import_and_process_csv(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
data_set = ()
new_dataset = request.FILES['csv_file']
if not'csv'):,'wrong format')
return render(request,'import.html')
else:, 'File uploaded successfully')
csv_content ='utf-8')
# Use io.StringIO to create a file-like object from the string content
csv_string_io = io.StringIO(csv_content)
data_set = csv.reader(csv_string_io, delimiter=',')
#Read the data for rows in store and parse into models.
specific_values = ['biscuit']
printed_rows_indices = set()
# Iterate over each specific value
for desired_value in specific_values:
# Initialize a flag to track if the desired row value is found
found_row_value = False
# Initialize a list to store rows before the desired value
rows_before_desired_value1 = []
for index, row in enumerate(data_set):
# Check if the desired value is found in the current row
if desired_value in row:
found_row_value = True
# Stop the CSV reader when the desired value is found
rows_before_desired_value1.append(row) #rows before Biscuit
for i,column in enumerate(rows_before_desired_value1):
if i !=0:
if column and not all(element == ',' for element in column): # Check if the list is not empty and not comma-only
if len(column) > 0:
My_Object1 = column[0],
My_Object2 = column[1],
return render(request,'import.html')