I have 3 tables named students, student_courses and grades. And for each student I need to calculate their overall GPA. So I'm a bit stuck. :(
students table
student_id | student_name |
77 | Pepe LePew |
student_id | course_id | percent_grade |
77 | 101 | 95.7 |
77 | 202 | 85.9 |
77 | 303 | 77.1 |
77 | 404 | 66.6 |
from_percent | to_percent | letter_grade | GPA |
0 | 69 | F | 0 |
70 | 72 | C- | 1.67 |
73 | 76 | C | 2.0 |
77 | 79 | C+ | 2.33 |
80 | 82 | B- | 2.67 |
83 | 86 | B | 3.0 |
87 | 89 | B+ | 3.33 |
90 | 92 | A- | 3.67 |
93 | 96 | A | 4.0 |
97 | 100 | A+ | 4.0 |
Here's my query that is getting an error. (Error Code 1111. Invalid use of group function) I happen to be using MySQL but would be happy to get a standard SQL solution.
SELECT student_id, student_name,
(select g.GPA
from course_student AS cs
inner join Grades AS g ON (sum(cs.percent_grade) / count(*)) BETWEEN g.from_percent AND g.to_percent
where cs.student_id = students.id) As GPA
FROM students
The expected result would be a listing of all of the students in the student table and their corresponding overall GPA
student_id | GPA |
77 | 2.67 |
Update 1.
I just got it to work for a single student. But I need it to work for all of the students in the students table. Here's the code for a single student.
select g.GPA, g.from_percent, g.to_percent
from course_student AS cs
inner join Grades AS g
where cs.student_id = 77
group by g.GPA, g.from_percent, g.to_percent
HAVING (sum(cs.percent_grade) / count(*)) BETWEEN g.from_percent AND g.to_percent
We can create a StudentGrades CTE that groups by student and calculates the average grade from all of their courses. Then we can then use AvgGrade to join on the grades table.
WITH StudentGrades as
SELECT s.student_id, s.student_name, SUM(percent_grade) as TotalGrade, count(*) as CourseCount, CAST(SUM(percent_grade) / count(*) AS INT) as AvgGrade
FROM students s
INNER JOIN student_courses c on s.student_id=c.student_id
GROUP BY s.student_id, s.student_name
SELECT sg.student_id, sg.student_name, g.GPA
FROM StudentGrades sg
INNER JOIN grades g on g.from_percent <= sg.AvgGrade AND g.to_percent >= sg.AvgGrade
student_id | student_name | GPA |
69 | Bart McEndree | 4 |
77 | Pepe LePew | 2.67 |