I've a Dictionary with an NSAttributtedString
9 = {
9x0 = {
UserID = 123;
formattedMessage = "Hi... How are you ?{\n CTForegroundColor = \"<CGColor 0x601e460> [<CGColorSpace 0x6010020> (kCGColorSpaceDeviceGray)] ( 0 1 )\";\n NSFont = \"CTFont <name: Cochin-BoldItalic, size: 17.000000, matrix: 0x0>\\nCTFontDescriptor <attributes: <CFBasicHash 0x6070640 [0x11f8400]>{type = mutable dict, count = 1,\\nentries =>\\n\\t1 : <CFString 0xf4d5c4 [0x11f8400]>{contents = \\\"NSFontNameAttribute\\\"} = <CFString 0x60707f0 [0x11f8400]>{contents = \\\"Cochin-BoldItalic\\\"}\\n}\\n>\";\n}";
isDeleted = 0;
isEdited = 0;
lastModifiedDate = "2011-10-19 17:27:38 +0000";
message = "Hi... How are you ?";
I tried Saving this Dictionary as a Plist in the Documents folder
and also,
save the dictionary in NSUserDefaults
Neither of it worked.
Both methods work if the attributed string in the dictionary is removed.
Code used to save to Plist in Documents folder :
NSString *aDocumentsDirectory = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];
NSString *aFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/ChatHistory.plist",aDocumentsDirectory];
BOOL aStatus = [aDictionary writeToFile:aFilePath atomically:YES];
Code used to save Dictionary in NSUserDefaults
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[defaults setObject:aDictionary forKey:@"ChatHistory"];
Someone please help. Am I missing something ?
An interesting Implementation. Guess this is a solution :
will explore this now..