I have the following document structure in my cosmos DB (using mongo query language):
id: doc_123_2
parent_id: 123
active: true
_id: doc_123
parent_id: 123
active: true
parent_desc: sample parent desc
In my code below I am trying to return the "parent_desc" field in all the child docs relating to it - however I am not able to get it to populate in the child docs, what am I doing wrong?
I can manually hard code this field in my projection method but that is not what I want - I want it pulled from parent doc.
I think that my addFieldsStage
in the code below does not seem to be doing anything?
private List<Bson> createQuery() {
List<Bson> pipeline = new ArrayList<>();
Bson lookupStage = Aggregates.lookup(
// adding parent_desc from parent docs into children?
Bson addFieldsStage = Aggregates.addFields(
new Field<>("parent_desc", "$ROOT.parent_desc")
return pipeline;
private Bson projectFields() {
return Aggregates.project(new Document()
.append("_id", new Document("$cond", Arrays.asList(
new Document("$ne", Arrays.asList("$_id", null)),
.append("parentDesc", new Document("$cond", Arrays.asList(
new Document("$ne", Arrays.asList("$parent_desc", null)),
//... project other fields (working as expected)
Note - this question gives me the raw result that I want when I run it as a mongo query.
the $addFields
stage should look like {"children.parent_desc": "$parent_desc"}
so the query becomes something like this. And in java code looks something like Bson addFieldsStage = Aggregates.addFields( new Field<>("children.parent_desc", "$parent_desc") );
$lookup: {
from: "myCollection",
localField: "parent_id",
foreignField: "parent_id",
as: "children"
$addFields: {
"children.parent_desc": "$parent_desc"
$unwind: "$children"
$replaceWith: "$children"