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Avoid calling constructor of member variable

I have the following C++-class:

// Header-File
class A

    B m_B;
    C m_C;

// cpp-File
: m_B(1)
    m_C = C(m_B.getSomeValue());

I now would like to avoid the class A to call any constructor of C m_C. Because on the last line in A::A(), I'm anyways going to initialize m_C myself because I need to prepare m_B first. I could provide an empty default constructor for class B. But that's not the idea.

I have already tried to add m_C(NULL) to the init-list of A::A(). Sometimes it worked, sometimes it said there was no constructor taking NULL as an argument.

So how can I have m_C left uninitialized? I know that with pointers, the m_C(NULL)-way works. And I don't want to allocate it dynamically using new.

Any idea is appreciated.


  • What you ask is forbidden - and correctly so. This ensures that every member is correctly initialized. Do not try to work around it - try to structure your classes that they work with it.


    • C has a constructor that does nothing
    • C has an initialization method that makes the class usable
    • C tracks whether it has been initialized correctly or not and returns appropriate errors if used without initialization.