TL;DR I have a type error here is the TS PLAYGROUND
I want to have type safety when creating my zod schemas. To do so, I use the type of my data, like this one:
type Option = { id: number };
With this type, I know the exact keys that my zod object schema should have and I use toZod to transform the type number
into a z.number()
For example, here is a function to create an option schema (ts playground):
type Option = { id: number };
function createOptionSchema(input: {
[K in keyof Option]: toZod<Option>["shape"][K];
}) {
const OptionSchema: toZod<Option> = z.object(input);
return OptionSchema;
const test1 = createOptionSchema({id: z.number()})
const test2 = createOptionSchema({id: z.number().int()})
const test3 = createOptionSchema({id: z.string()})
const test4 = createOptionSchema({name: z.number()})
const test5 = createOptionSchema({id: z.number().optional()})
Currently, this function only works for the Option type, I would like to use the same function for all my data types. So I did that:
function createSchema<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(input: {
[K in keyof T]: toZod<T>["shape"][K];
}) {
const Schema: toZod<T> = z.object(input);
return Schema;
Now I get this error:
Type '"shape"' cannot be used to index type 'toZod<T>'
I could not find any solution so far, any idea?
Useful links:
I tried to replace the toZod type for a custom one but could not manage to transform types into zod schema types.
I tried to use satisfies as well, without success.
Thank you to Matt Pocock for this one.
function createSchema<
T extends Record<string, any>,
>(input: {
[K in keyof T]: z.Schema<T[K]>;
}) {
const Schema = z.object(input);
return Schema;