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Cannot borrow *self as immutable, but I cannot find a way around

So I have the above error in line 17, that I understand, but don't find a good way around:

struct Node {
    node_type: NodeType

enum NodeType {
    Inner([Box<Node>; 16]),

impl Node {
    fn foo(&mut self) {
        match &mut self.node_type {
            NodeType::Leaf(_content) => {
                // Mutate content
            NodeType::Inner(children) => {
                let index = self.compute_index();
                let child = &mut children[index];

    fn compute_index(&self) -> usize {
        // compute something


I need self to be mutable, to mutate its content in the Leaf case. I could copy the code from compute_index() into my foo() function, but it would make the foo() function unnecessarily long and the code inside the compute_index() seems like a separate semantical unit on its own.

I could also move the call to compute_index() above the match statement, but I don't need to execute it in all match arms, so this would cause unnecessary computations in that case and doesn't seem right either.

I thought about this for quite some time, but cannot figure out a way to get rid of this error without making my code bad. Does anyone have ideas on how to get rid of the error without making the code bad?


  • Can you shuffle the things around to compute the index before acquiring a mutable borrow?

    impl Node {
        fn foo(&mut self) {
            if let NodeType::Leaf(_content) = &mut self.node_type {
                // Mutate content
            } else {
                let index = self.compute_index();
                if let NodeType::Inner(children) = &mut self.node_type {
                    let child = &mut children[index];
        fn compute_index(&self) -> usize {
            // compute something