Search code examples

How to access drop-down relationships in Laravel

Models :

  • USER

    • boards() : HasMany

    • lists() : HasMany
  • LIST

    • tasks() : HasMany
  • TASK

Tables :

Board :

  • id
  • user_id

List :

  • id
  • board_id

Task :

  • id
  • list_id

How do I want to search for a task with an ID, but without creating a relationship in USER? I can create a relationship in USER called tasks(), but I do not want to do this in this way. I want, for example:

$user = User::find(10);
$task = $user->boards()->lists()->tasks()->find($id);

Note that the tasks and lists table do not have a user_id field, only the board table

I TRY : $task = $user->boards()->lists()->tasks()->find($id);


  • Go the other way, start with what you want to get.

    $userId = 10;
    $tast = Task::query()
        ->whereHas('list', function($list) use ($userId) {
            $list->whereHas('board', function($board) use ($userId) {
                $board->where('user_id', $userId);

    Short Form as suggested by @TBAWG:

    $userId = 10;
    $tast = Task::query()
        ->whereHas('list.board', function($board) use ($userId) {
            $board->where('user_id', $userId);

    You, of course, need the reverse relations of what you shared in your question.

    • Task -> list
    • list -> board

    I would also suggest using findOrFail($id) instead of find($id) so it return a 404 in case of incorrect id.