I am binding a Repeater
. Each row (is that the right word?) in the Repeater
has a Button
and a HiddenField
. How do I determine the Value of the HiddenField
based on which Button was clicked?
Code behind for Button's OnClick
protected void btnButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btnButton1 = (Button)sender;
// how do i get this row's HiddenField Value?
edit: the CommandArgument
suggestion from Pleun works but I am still having issues. I need to find the row(?) in the Repeater
that the Button
belongs to as there is also a TextBox
in each row and I would need its value. So ideally I want to get that row and go FindControl("TextBox1") etc etc. Sorry, should have stated that in my initial question
What I like to do is add a CommandArgument to the button. In this code its an imagebutton but the idea is the same. So also no need for an extra hidden field.
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnMail" ImageUrl="~/imgnew/prof/sendlink.png"
CommandArgument='<%# Eval("id")%>'
And in the _Click event do
string id = ((ImageButton)sender).CommandArgument;
If you need all the data, you need a different event. The data in the repeater is available as Item in
in the Command event (RepeaterCommandEventArgs)
for handling the Command event see this example http://www.asp.net/data-access/tutorials/custom-buttons-in-the-datalist-and-repeater-cs or http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.repeatercommandeventargs.aspx