I'm building a website with Django, Wagtail and Wagtail Localize.
But when I'm load my website on "https://exemple.com/fr/" the slugurl tags generates links like href="/en/about/"
I followed settings for urls.py :
urlpatterns = urlpatterns + i18n_patterns(
path("search/", search_views.search, name="search"),
path("", include(wagtail_urls)),
I also added middleware and others setting like LANGUAGES. Page are correctly translated and accessible with urls.
The language code is detected because tag like {% if LANGUAGE_CODE == "fr" %} is working but this slugurl never work and always display "/en/about/" :
<a href="{% slugurl 'about' %}" class="nav-links">about</a>
Navigation isn't very fluid, because when you access a page you have to reselect the language each time. Is slugurl supposed to work with Wagtail-localize?
will always only return the first page that matches the slug - that slug might also be repeated on each locale, so it needs some care.
I use a custom templatetag to return the localised page for the first match:
def trans_page_from_slug(slug, specific=False):
if specific:
return Page.objects.live().filter(slug=slug).first().specific.localized
return Page.objects.live().filter(slug=slug).first().localized
return Page.objects.none()
So even if your French page slug is something like 'a-propos', the templatetag will return the correct translated page for the slug 'about'.
I guess if you just want the url back, you could use:
def localised_slugurl(slug):
return Page.objects.live().filter(slug=slug).first().localized.url
return ''
Then your nav link is:
<a href="{{ 'about'|localised_slugurl }}" class="nav-links">about</a>
That won't change your 'about' label though. For that, you could use the trans_page_from_slug
templatetag to return the page, then access the url and title attributes in your link:
{% trans_page_from_slug "about" as link %}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="nav-links">{{ link.title }}</a>
If your page titles are too long for the nav menu, add an optional menu_title
field to your page models and use that where needed. Default to title so you always have a value:
{{ link.menu_title|default:link.title }}
Just make sure you're returning the specific
page from the templatetag if you do this as the base Page model won't include your custom field.