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Pyright cause reportAttributeAccessIssue on attrs validator

  • Environment
    Python v3.9.13
    Pyright 1.1.357
    attrs 23.1.0

The code at official document of attrs library make the pyright type checker casue reportAttributeAccessIssue

  • Code
from attrs import define, field

class C:
    x: int = field()

    def _check_x(self, attribute, value):
        if value > 42:
            raise ValueError("x must be smaller or equal to 42")
  • Result of pyright - error: Cannot access member "validator" for type "int"
    Member "validator" is unknown (reportAttributeAccessIssue)
1 error, 0 warnings, 0 informations

Instead of ignoring the issue, is there any way to resolve it?


  • Pyright's support for attrs is, unfortunately, wildly inadequate. They took a hard stance on only supporting anything that gets standardized via PEPs for the new-ish "dataclass transform" API.