The title says it all. I want to do an operation to apply key values to a dictionary from a dictionary Here, I'll explain what I meant.
I have these long dictionaries initialized in my code.
local globalDefault = {
["LastPlayed"] = "",
["Grades"] = {
["Grade"] = 1,
["Level"] = 1
["Challenge"] = {
["History"] = {}
["Settings"] = {
["ScrollFrameHitbox"] = false
local globalData = {
["Settings"] = {
["ScrollFrameHitbox"] = true
I want to apply all globalData
's key values to globalDefault
This is what globalDefault
dictionary should look like after applying them:
["LastPlayed"] = "",
["Grades"] = {
["Grade"] = 1,
["Level"] = 1
["Challenge"] = {
["History"] = {}
["Settings"] = {
["ScrollFrameHitbox"] = true
How can I do such a simple operation?
The function:
function deepApply (default, new)
for key, value in pairs (new) do
if type (value) == "table" then
if not default[key] then
default[key] = {}
print ('created table ['..key..']')
local def2 = default[key]
local new2 = new[key]
deepApply (def2, new2)
elseif default[key] ~= new[key] then
print ('updated ['..key..'] from ['..tostring(default[key])..'] to ['..tostring(new[key])..']')
default[key] = new[key]
local globalDefault = {
["LastPlayed"] = "",
["Grades"] = {
["Grade"] = 1,
["Level"] = 1
["Challenge"] = {
["History"] = {}
["Settings"] = {
["ScrollFrameHitbox"] = false
local globalData = {
["Settings"] = {
["ScrollFrameHitbox"] = true
["NewSettings"] = {
["IsFun"] = true
deepApply (globalDefault, globalData)
serpent = require ('serpent')
print (serpent.block (globalDefault))
created table [NewSettings]
updated [IsFun] from [nil] to [true]
updated [ScrollFrameHitbox] from [false] to [true]
Settings = {
ScrollFrameHitbox = true
Challenge = {
History = {}
NewSettings = {
IsFun = true
LastPlayed = "",
Grades = {
Level = 1,
Grade = 1