I have been able to facet and highlight with the Dismax handler.
I tried to do faceting for More Like This results, such as this query: "fetch documents similar to '11qualcomm.doc' whose 'doc_keywords' has 'Communication' as mandatory.
But the results are:
Which implies that the faceting only worked for q=id:"11qualcomm.doc" and not for the MLT result set.
Does faceting work for the MLT result set? If yes, what am I doing wrong?
Found the answer myself. I am supposed to use the More Like This handler, instead of using the MLT of the search handler. The MLT handler "supports faceting, paging, and filtering using CommonQueryParameters" (from wiki).
The two ways to enable MLT functionality http://wiki.apache.org/solr/MoreLikeThis
More Like This handler http://wiki.apache.org/solr/MoreLikeThisHandler#Examples