In my python app I am using Shapely. Invoking the function below:
def get_t_start(t_line: geometry.LineString):
print('get_t_start', t_line.boundary)
p1, p2 = t_line.boundary
t_start = p1 if p1.y < p2.y else p2
return t_start
produces the following output:
get_t_start MULTIPOINT (965 80, 1565 1074) Traceback (most recent call last):
... File "/sites/", line 13, in get_t_start p1, p2 = t_line.boundary
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable MultiPoint object
From the print
of t_line.boundary
I guess the object is ok. I am sure I have used this object (MULTIPOINT) like this in other apps to get the boundary points. I really can't figure out why now this is not working.
That's most likely because your apps are running different versions of shapely
. Starting with Shapely 1.8, iteration over multi-part geometries (like a MultiPoint) is deprecated and was removed in Shapely 2.0 (read more).
So, you just need to access the boundary's geoms
from shapely import LineString, Point
def get_t_start(t_line: LineString) -> Point:
print("get_t_start", t_line.boundary)
p1, p2 = t_line.boundary.geoms # << here
t_start = p1 if p1.y < p2.y else p2
return t_start
Output :
from shapely import from_wkt
line = from_wkt("LINESTRING (965 80, 1565 1074)")
>>> get_t_start(line)
# get_t_start MULTIPOINT (965 80, 1565 1074)
# + a display of the point