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Should I use `weak self` on a custom stored queue?

I know that we can use strong self in DispatchQueues when we call it directly in the code, for example:

func foo() { {

But what about my custom queue, if I keep it in the class? Should I use weak self or it works the same and there is no need to worry about leaks?

class MyClass {
    let queue = DispatchQueue(
        label: "MyQueue",
        qos: .userInitiated
    func foo() {
        queue.async { [weak self] in
            guard let self else { return }

In this case my custom queue is stored in a class variable and probably I should use weak self. Or not?


  • queue.async closure does retain self without [weak self]. However, it's temporary, it will disappear immediately when dequeued. So there is no retain cycle here.

    AFAIK, it's more like data flow than a retain cycle.

    • [weak self]: you might want to exit the scope early.
    • without [weak self]: you want to retain the object until the block is executed.