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I need to get the ResourceGroup and ResourceID of the Associated Azure VM of my DSC node

I have two nodes registered in resourcegroup1 when I run Get-AzAutomationDSCNode.

Both nodes have the same name "Node1" but belong to different resource groups.

Node1 - resourcegroup1
Node1 - resourcegroup2

since they are both registered under the same resourcegroup, how can I get the associated vm of the nodes using powershell so i can know the right one to delete.

The properties of the Get-AzAutomationDscNode does not contain VmResourceID


  • how can I get the associated vm of the nodes using powershell

    Here is the PowerShell script to get the VM names by using automation account nodes.

        $resourceGroupNames = @("RG1", "RG2")
        $automationAccountNames = @("Automate-WUS2", "MM")
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $resourceGroupNames.Length; $i++) {
            $resourceGroupName = $resourceGroupNames[$i]
            $automationAccountName = $automationAccountNames[$i]
            $dscNodes = Get-AzAutomationDscNode -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $automationAccountName
            foreach ($dscNode in $dscNodes) {
                Write-Host "DSC Node Name: $($dscNode.Name), Resource Group: $resourceGroupName, Automation Account: $automationAccountName"


    enter image description here

    Updated Script:

    You can use below PowerShell script to retrieve the VM resource ID from the DSC nodes configuration.

        $resourceGroupName = "RG_Name"
        $automationAccountName = "Automation_Account"
        $dscNodes = Get-AzAutomationDscNode -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $automationAccountName | Select-Object -Unique
        foreach ($dscNode in $dscNodes) {
            Write-Host "DSC Node Name in Automation Account : $($dscNode.Name)"
            $VMs = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" -Name $dscNode.Name
            foreach ($VM in $VMs) {
                Write-Host "Name              : $($VM.Name)"
                Write-Host "ResourceGroupName : $($VM.ResourceGroupName)"
                Write-Host "ResourceId        : $($VM.ResourceId)"
                Write-Host "Location          : $($VM.Location)"
                Write-Host ""


    enter image description here