I have a table that contains 4 columns: Project, ScenarioStart, ScenarioEnd and TimePeriods.
TimePeriods is always blank to start with, as this is where I need to populate a string of all applicable Time Periods for a project (inclusive of start and end).
All time periods are formatted yyyyMm
Project ScenarioStart ScenarioEnd TimePeriods
1 2024M9 2025M3
2 2024M6 2024M10
What I now need is to update the table with a text string containing all applicable periods for each row. (I'm using Pipe separation)
So row 1 would be '2024M9|2024M10|2024M11|2024M12|2025M1|2025M2|2025M3'
Row 2 should be '2024M6|2024M7|2024M8|2024M9|2024M10'
I already have a working code to generate the string, but it has 2 problems:
The code to generate the string is below. Can someone please help me to convert it to an update for every row in the table please?
-- Create the variables to hold Start- and End-Period, and the blank Period List --
-- Currently only works if hard-coded, but should read the table cells)
declare @sScenarioStart nvarchar(10) = '2024M1',
@sScenarioEnd nvarchar(10) = '2026M3',
@SplitPeriods nvarchar(max) = ''
-- Create a list of valid time references for this submission --
Declare @sCounterTime nvarchar(10) = @sScenarioStart,
@sCounterYear nvarchar(4) = substring(@sScenarioStart,1,4),
@sCounterMonth nvarchar(4) = substring(@sScenarioStart,6,len(@sScenarioStart)-5)
print 'Counter Time: ' + @sCounterTime + 'Counter Year: ' + @sCounterYear + 'Counter Month: ' + @sCounterMonth
-- Generate the comma-sparated list of time periods --
While @sCounterTime <> @sScenarioEnd
-- Add the initial Time Period to the output string
set @SplitPeriods = @SplitPeriods + @sCounterTime + '|'
-- If Current month is December then +1 the year and reset the month back to 1
set @sCounterYear = case @sCounterMonth
when 12 then @sCounterYear + 1
else @sCounterYear
set @sCounterMonth = case @sCounterMonth
when 12 then 1
else @sCounterMonth + 1
-- Move the Time Period forward
set @sCounterTime = @sCounterYear + 'M' + @sCounterMonth
END -- End of BEGIN statement
-- Add the final Time Period to the string
set @SplitPeriods = @SplitPeriods + @sCounterTime
-- TESTING: Output the final string
print 'Final Period String: ' + @SplitPeriods
The output from this script is:
Counter Time: 2024M1Counter Year: 2024Counter Month: 1
Final Period String: 2024M1|2024M2|2024M3|2024M4|2024M5|2024M6|2024M7|2024M8|2024M9|2024M10|2024M11|2024M12|2025M1|2025M2|2025M3|2025M4|2025M5|2025M6|2025M7|2025M8|2025M9|2025M10|2025M11|2025M12|2026M1|2026M2|2026M3
Both of these outputs are correct, but the second one needs to be updated in the TimePeriods column for each row.
I put your records into an Example table. I then converted ScenarioStart and ScenarioEnd to Dates. I was then was able to use a recursive CTE to generate the MonthDates. I combined the MonthDates using String_Agg. I then updated the TimePeriods field in the example table.
Project VARCHAR(512),
ScenarioStart VARCHAR(512),
ScenarioEnd VARCHAR(512),
TimePeriods VARCHAR(512)
INSERT INTO Example (Project, ScenarioStart, ScenarioEnd) VALUES
('1', '2024M9', '2025M3'),
('2', '2024M6', '2024M10');
SELECT * FROM Example;
-- Recursive CTE to generate a list of months within the date range:
WITH Months AS (
SELECT Example.Project, CONVERT(DATE, DATEADD(D, -(DAY(CONVERT(Date, Substring(ScenarioStart,1,4) + '-' + Substring(ScenarioStart,6,2) + '-1'))) + 1, CONVERT(Date, Substring(ScenarioStart,1,4) + '-' + Substring(ScenarioStart,6,2) + '-1'))) [MonthDate]
FROM Example
SELECT Example.Project, DATEADD(M, 1, MonthDate)
FROM Months
INNER JOIN Example on Example.Project=Months.Project
WHERE MonthDate <= DATEADD(M, -1, CONVERT(Date,Substring(Example.ScenarioEnd,1,4) + '-' + Substring(Example.ScenarioEnd,6,2) + '-1'))
UPDATE Example
SET Example.TimePeriods=t.TimePeriods
FROM Example E
--Combine MonthDates using STRING_AGG to make TimePeriods
SELECT Project, STRING_AGG(CAST(Year(MONTHDATE) as Varchar(4))+'M'+Cast(Month(Monthdate) as varchar(2)), '|') as TimePeriods
FROM Months
GROUP BY Project
) t
ON E.Project=t.Project
SELECT * FROM Example;
Project | ScenarioStart | ScenarioEnd | TimePeriods |
1 | 2024M9 | 2025M3 | 2024M9│2024M10│2024M11│2024M12│2025M1│2025M2│2025M3 |
2 | 2024M6 | 2024M10 | 2024M6│2024M7│2024M8│2024M9│2024M10 |