A roundtrip of os.date -> os.time -> os.date in UTC does not seem to get back to the same time:
print(os.date( "!%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"))
print(os.date("%c" , os.time( os.date("!*t", os.time() ) ) ))
Mon Apr 15 16:08:48 2024
Mon Apr 15 17:08:48 2024
What am I missing?
p.s. the first line is the correct time
i think for some reason the isdst (daylight savings) value got switched and if gave a 1 hour offset.
edit: i did a bit more research and i figured that the os.time
gets the UTC time as a date table
and it thinks the UTC time should be summer time (since its currently summer time). and thats why the +1 hour. your best option is to set the isdst
to nil
because UTC time doesnt have daylight savings time.
print(os.date("!%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"))
local dt = os.date("!*t",os.time())
dt.isdst = nil
print(os.date("%c", os.time(dt)))