I'm currently working on monitoring inactive user accounts within AzureAD (or EntraID). To do this, I'm using PowerShell with MgGraph to collect user information and their last sign-in date.
To filter out only Azure users (not on-premises), I'm using the OnPremisesSyncEnabled attribute. However, this attribute appears to be empty in our environment, which is causing some challenges in identifying the desired user accounts.
I wrote the following script (connection to Graph has already been done)
$users = Get-MgUser -All | Where-Object { $_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled -eq $none -and $_.UserType -ne "Guest" -and $_.SignInActivity.LastSignInDateTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-180) }
$users | Select-Object UserPrincipalName, OnPremisesSyncEnabled, @{Name="LastSignIn"; Expression={$_.SignInActivity.LastSignInDateTime}}
This script returns nothing... does someone have an idea on how to monitor this properly?
The OnPremisesSyncEnabled
property is only retrieved on $select
when using Get-MgUser
) when pointing to the v1.0
endpoint. See Properties.
As aside, you can use $filter
) in this case to make your query more efficient. The alternatives could be:
Find users where the onPremisesSyncEnabled
is null
and userType
is not Guest
-Filter "onPremisesSyncEnabled eq null and userType ne 'Guest'"
Note: The query using this filtering condition will require the use of -CountVariable
and -ConsistencyLevel 'eventual'
Find users having a lastSignInDateTime
lower than or equal to a target date
$date = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddDays(-180).ToString('s') + 'Z'
-Filter "signInActivity/lastSignInDateTime le $date"
Unfortunately, both filters can't be combined, the query to signInActivity
must go alone:
Also, note that you will also require User.Read.All and AuditLog.Read.All (for signInActivity
) permissions. See also How to detect and investigate inactive user accounts for relevant information.
So here is how the code would look filtering on signInActivity
$date = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddDays(-180).ToString('s') + 'Z'
$getMgUserSplat = @{
Filter = "signInActivity/lastSignInDateTime le $date"
Select = 'UserPrincipalName', 'OnPremisesSyncEnabled', 'signInActivity', 'userType'
All = $true
$users = Get-MgUser @getMgUserSplat |
Where-Object { -not $_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled -and $_.userType -ne 'Guest' } |
Select-Object UserPrincipalName, OnPremisesSyncEnabled, @{ N='LastSignIn'; E={ $_.SignInActivity.LastSignInDateTime }}