Are redux updates synchronous? Can we expect an entire update to complete before rendering code is triggered?
Let's say you have a middleware which catches an event from one redux store and updates a different redux store accordingly, to keep them in sync.
const MyMiddleware: Middleware = (store: MiddlewareAPI<AppDispatch, RootState>) => (next) => (action) => {
console.log('MyMiddleware start');
const result = next(action); // apply reducer1
if (action.type === reducer1Types.SET_ACTIVE_WORKSPACE) {
console.log(`MyMiddleware middle`);
console.log(`MyMiddleware end`);
return result;
However, for some reason, App.jsx#render function is invoked when reducer1 is already updated and reducer2 is not run. In the console, it would be
> MyMiddleware start
> <logging from App.jsx#render>
> MyMiddleware middle
> MyMiddleware end
Is this expected?
When I trace this code, I also see that it goes into rendering logic before exiting middleware:
export const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
reducer1: reducer1.reducer,
reducer2: reducer2.reducer,
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
Just needed to use the batch api. (Running React 16)
const MyMiddleware: Middleware = (store: MiddlewareAPI<AppDispatch, RootState>) => (next) => (action) => {
let result = null;
batch(() => {
result = next(action);
if (action.type === reducer1Types.SET_ACTIVE_WORKSPACE) {
return result;
Batching logic seems to be applied by default in some cases, but not others (more info).