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Teams Addin - Side load - Static tab - Stage View

I can't open the stage view in the static tab if the application is loaded with side load in Teams. Stage view (modal) is not even displayed, clicks are ignored. No error is shown in the console. When using hardlink, a message is displayed that the URL does not exist. But the same URL works in the app added from the store. The domain used in stage view is added to the manifest. If the app is installed from the store everything is functional. Has anyone encountered a similar problem?

I tried{
        "entityId": urlPart,
        "appId": appId,
        "contentUrl": baseUrl,
        "title": encodedName,
        "websiteUrl": baseUrl,
        "openMode": "modal"


 let urlPart = appId + "/0?context={\"contentUrl\":\"" + baseUrl + "\",\"websiteUrl\":\"" + baseUrl + "\",\"name\":\"" + encodedName + "\"}";
 let url = "" + encodeURIComponent(urlPart);;

I am using TeamsJs 2.21.0


  • MS pointed me to the correct documentation, which actually says that the application ID changes depending on the type of application deployment.

         Type of app                    Type of app ID
         Custom app uploaded in Teams   Manifest ID
         Apps submitted to org catalog  Org catalog ID
         Apps submitted to Teams Store  Store ID