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Read bytes from Modbus TCP/IP message in Big Endian byte order

I'm new with modbus and I need to write python script to read TCP/IP messages from Modbus client. I need to read 4 bytes starting in address 002049 using Big-endian order. so my questions are:

  1. which library should I use- pymodbus or pymodbustcp?
  2. what is the best practice for creating Modbus Client- auto_open=True/False, auto_close=True/False?
  3. How can I read Bytes instead of bits?
  4. How can I set the bytes values in Big-endian order?

I tried to use How to read byte order endian BIG with Python? but couldn't find an answer.


how can I do it using AsyncModbusTcpClient?


  • Code to read 4 bytes (2 registers) starting at address 2049 (address 002049 in Modbus):

    from pyModbusTCP.client import ModbusClient
    def read_modbus_registers(ip_address, port, start_address, num_registers):
        # Create a Modbus TCP client
        client = ModbusClient(host=ip_address, port=port, auto_open=True)
        if client.is_open():
            result = client.read_holding_registers(start_address, num_registers)
            if result:
                # Combine the two registers into a single 32-bit integer (big-endian order)
                value = (result[0] << 16) | result[1]
                print(f"Value read from address {start_address}: {value}")
                print(f"Failed to read from Modbus server: {client.last_error}")
            print(f"Failed to connect to Modbus server at {ip_address}:{port}")
        # Close the Modbus TCP client
    # Modbus TCP server configuration
    modbus_ip = "your_modbus_server_ip"
    modbus_port = 502  # Modbus TCP port
    # Address and number of registers to read
    start_address = 2049  # Address 002049 in Modbus
    num_registers = 2  # Reading 4 bytes (2 registers)
    # Read Modbus registers
    read_modbus_registers(modbus_ip, modbus_port, start_address, num_registers)

    To perform the task asynchronously, we need to use await when interacting with the client.

    import asyncio
    from pyModbusTCP.asyncio import AsyncModbusTcpClient
    async def read_modbus_registers_async(ip_address, port, start_address, num_registers):
        # Create an async client instance
        client = AsyncModbusTcpClient(host=ip_address, port=port)
            # Connect to the Modbus server
            await client.connect()
            if client.is_connected:
                # Read registers
                result = await client.read_holding_registers(start_address, num_registers)
                if result:
                    # Combine the registers
                    value = (result[0] << 16) | result[1]
                    print(f"Value read from address {start_address}: {value}")
                    print(f"Failed to read from Modbus server: {client.last_error}")
                print(f"Failed to connect to Modbus server at {ip_address}:{port}")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error: {e}")
            # Close the Modbus TCP client
            await client.close()
    # Modbus TCP server configuration
    modbus_ip = "your_modbus_server_ip"
    modbus_port = 502  # Modbus TCP port
    # Address and number of registers to read
    start_address = 2049  # Address 002049 in Modbus
    num_registers = 2  # Reading 4 bytes (2 registers)
    # Create an event loop and run the asynchronous function
    async def main():
        await read_modbus_registers_async(modbus_ip, modbus_port, start_address, num_registers)
    # Run the event loop
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()