Hi im new in Julia and im trying to do some proprocessing with it. I have a lot of files in binary. Im using F90 for the processing. The file that i write are like this
write(11) xx
write(11) yy
write(11) zz
where, nv,nx,ny,nzt are integers and xx,yy,zz are 3D matrix. In F90 i use this simple block to read the file
But i have troubles to read it with Julia. Someone can help me with this? Thank you
I tried using
But i dont know how i can separe the nv,n1,n2,n3,xx,yy,zz in differente arrays
Suppose that the complete F90 code to write the data looks like this:
program SaveGrid
implicit none
integer :: nv
integer :: Nx, Ny, Nzt
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xx, yy, zz
integer :: i
nv = 3
Nx = 5
Ny = 7
Nzt = 10
allocate(xx(Nx), yy(Ny), zz(Nzt))
do i = 1, Nx
xx(i) = float(i)
end do
do i = 1, Ny
yy(i) = float(i) * 2.0
end do
do i = 1, Nzt
zz(i) = float(i) * 3.0
end do
open(unit=11, file="ring.grid", form="unformatted")
write(11) nv
write(11) Nx, Ny, Nzt
write(11) xx
write(11) yy
write(11) zz
deallocate(xx, yy, zz)
end program SaveGrid
To read this into Julia you need to handle the way that F90 writes unformatted data.
function read_fortran_binary(filename)
open(filename, "r") do file
# Read record marker.
record_size = read(file, Int32)
# Read data.
nv = read(file, Int32)
# Read record marker.
end_record_size = read(file, Int32)
# Read record marker.
read(file, Int32)
# Read data.
Nx = read(file, Int32)
Ny = read(file, Int32)
Nzt = read(file, Int32)
# Read record marker.
read(file, Int32)
return nv, Nx, Ny, Nzt
nv, Nx, Ny, Nzt = read_fortran_binary("ring.grid")
println("nv: ", nv)
println("Nx: ", Nx)
println("Ny: ", Ny)
println("Nzt: ", Nzt)
There are record markers both before and after each chunk of data written to the file. You need to read these too. Obviously you don't need to ignore these data and the record sizes can be used to make your Julia code more robust and flexible by catering for changes in the unformatted F90 data.
nv: 3
Nx: 5
Ny: 7
Nzt: 10