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Storing Duration in spreadsheet

What is the ideal way to store duration datatype of polars in a spreadsheet, as it is getting converted on its own, and I do not get the data like “1d 2m” when I export to spreadsheet?


1d 2m 2h 1m

To either a string or a time format


  • Update: .dt.to_string() support for Duration types was added in Polars 1.14.0

    shape: (1, 2)
    │ duration          ┆ duration_str      │
    │ ---               ┆ ---               │
    │ duration[μs]      ┆ str               │
    │ 1d 2m 3s 987654µs ┆ 1d 2m 3s 987654µs │

    Original answer

    There is an open feature request for keeping the Duration format when casted to String:

    df = = pl.duration(days=1, seconds=123, microseconds=987654))
    df.with_columns(duration_string = pl.col("duration").cast(str))
    shape: (1, 2)
    │ duration          ┆ duration_string │
    │ ---               ┆ ---             │
    │ duration[μs]      ┆ str             │
    │ 1d 2m 3s 987654µs ┆ 86523987654     │

    The code for the frame repr formatting is here:

    It is possible to attempt to port it to Polars expressions.

    Probably not something one would use, but may serve as an interesting example of what is possible with expressions.

    def duration_to_string(col, time_unit="us"):
        names = ["d", "h", "m", "s"]
        sizes = {
            "us": [864e8,  36e8,  6e7,  1e6],
            "ns": [864e11, 36e11, 6e10, 1e9],
            "ms": [864e5,  36e5,  6e4,  1e3]
        remainder = {
                (pl.when(col % 1e3 != 0).then(pl.format("{}µs", (col % 1e6).cast(int)))
                   .when(col % 1e6 != 0).then(pl.format("{}ms", ((col % 1e6) / 1e3).cast(int)))),
                (pl.when(col % 1e3 != 0).then(pl.format("{}ns", (col % 1e9).cast(int)))
                   .when(col % 1e6 != 0).then(pl.format("{}µs", ((col % 1e9) / 1e3).cast(int)))
                   .when(col % 1e9 != 0).then(pl.format("{}ms", ((col % 1e9) / 1e6).cast(int)))),
                (pl.when(col % 1e3 != 0).then(pl.format("{}ms", (col % 1e3).cast(int))))
        blank, space = pl.lit(""), pl.lit(" ")
        def build_fmt(name, whole_num, size):
            valid = (whole_num <= -1) | (whole_num >= 1)
            pad = pl.when(col % size != 0).then(space).otherwise(blank)
            fmt = pl.format("{}{}{}", whole_num.cast(int), pl.lit(name), space)
            return pl.when(valid).then(fmt).otherwise(blank)
        size = sizes[0]
        whole_num = col / sizes[0]
        expr = build_fmt(names[0], whole_num, size)
        for i in range(1, 4):
            size = sizes[i]
            whole_num = (col % sizes[i - 1]) / size
            expr += build_fmt(names[i], whole_num, size)
        expr += remainder.otherwise(blank)
        return (
             pl.when(col == 0)
               .then(pl.lit("0" + time_unit.replace("u", "µ")))

    And call it with Expr.pipe()

       pl.col("duration").pipe(duration_to_string, time_unit=df.schema["duration"].time_unit)
    shape: (1, 2)
    │ duration          ┆ duration_string   │
    │ ---               ┆ ---               │
    │ duration[μs]      ┆ str               │
    │ 1d 2m 3s 987654µs ┆ 1d 2m 3s 987654µs │