I have a rather long password that I want to automate using a secret manager, I don't want to store it in plaintext.
Judging from this answer, I can achieve this using env-variables, which is great.
A quick check using sudo openvpn --config ~/Documents/config.ovpn --auth-user-pass test.txt
works, also great! I need sudo, otherwise openvpn doesn't work.
But I can't get the command right, I am probably making some trivial mistake.
I tried:
sudo openvpn --config ~/Documents/config.ovpn --auth-user-pass <(echo -e $VPN_USER"\n"$VPN_PASS)
but that results in:
2024-04-13 20:11:43 WARNING: cannot stat file '/proc/self/fd/14': No such file or directory (errno=2)
Options error: --auth-user-pass fails with '/proc/self/fd/14': No such file or directory (errno=2)
which I think is due to my sudo usage. So I tried something else (I am not exactly a bash-pro):
cat <(echo -e $VPN_USER"\n"$VPN_PASS) | sudo /usr/sbin/openvpn --config ~/Documents/config.ovpn --auth-user-pass
but that results in:
Password entry required for 'Enter Auth Username:' (PID 191957).
Please enter password with the systemd-tty-ask-password-agent tool.
It's probably an easy question.
by default closes all file descriptors other than stdin, stdout and stderr -- so it deliberately invalidates /dev/fd
You can avoid this problem by using a named FIFO -- just like bash does for >(...)
and <(...)
when running on operating systems that don't support /dev/fd
#!/usr/bin/env bash
tempdir=$(mktemp -t -d authsock.d.XXXXXX) || exit
trap 'rm -rf "$tempdir"; [[ $write_pid ]] && kill "$write_pid"' EXIT
mkfifo "$tempdir/sock" || exit
printf '%s\n' "$VPN_USER" "$VPN_PASS" >"$tempdir/sock" & write_pid=$!
sudo openvpn \
--config /home/leander/Documents/Informatics-EdLAN-Forum.ovpn \
--auth-user-pass "$tempdir/sock"