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how can I print a shared_ptr class?

How can I print a shared_ptr? I have to print sp1 and sp2 via void print(), but I have no clue how to do it.

This is the code:

struct MediaAsset
    virtual ~MediaAsset() = default; // make it polymorphic

struct Song : public MediaAsset
    std::string artist;
    std::string title;

    Song(const std::string& artist_, const std::string& title_) :
        artist{ artist_ }, title{ title_ }
        std::cout << "Song " << artist_ << " - " << title_ << " constructed\n";

        std::cout << "~Song " << artist << " - " << title << " destructed\n";

    void print()
        //Complete to show information about the current object

using namespace std;

void example1()
    auto sp1 = make_shared<Song>("poets","carnival");
    shared_ptr<Song> sp2(new Song("poets","late goodbye") );

I wrote:

void print()
    std::cout << "artist " << artist << " - " << "title" << title << " end\n";

and this is the message I get when I run the program:

error: 'class std::shared_ptr<Song>' has no member named 'print'


  • The error message is correect. print() is not a method of shared_ptr itself. You need to dereference the shared_ptr to access the actual Song object, and then you can access its members as needed, eg:

    auto sp1 = make_shared<Song>("poets","carnival");
    shared_ptr<Song> sp2(new Song("poets","late goodbye") );


    auto sp1 = make_shared<Song>("poets","carnival");
    shared_ptr<Song> sp2(new Song("poets","late goodbye") );